Winter Wonders

Garden Notes

Alpine pot Iris reticulata Gordon
Iris reticulata ‘Gordon’

I finally got round to moving the small alpine pot so now it is in full view by the front door and I can enjoy the unexpectedly successful combination of Iris reticulata ‘Gordon’, some saxifrages, Sedum spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’ and Sempervivum arachnoideum. I don’t think that the plants will object to being a little colder, but I hope that the pot is protected from rain in its new position under the eaves.



Euphorbia characias ssp wulfenii 2
Euphorbia characias ssp wulfeni

The pond is frozen and so was the water in the bird bath. But despite the cold, the garden has  colour. Architectural yellow flower spikes of Euphorbia characias ssp wulfenii at the front of the house are withstanding the cold and Euphorbia robbiae under the hedge is almost open.

The red stems of Cornus alba Siberica stand out against the silver and green leaves of  Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’. The purple flowers of Daphne mezereum are just beginning to open on the leafless stems and fat flower buds are swelling on the camellias. Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca ‘Citrina’ has been in flower since December. The lawn under the apple tree is studded with a mix of Anemone blanda (self-seeded) and Cyclamen coum (spreading slowly) and crocuses are pushing their way up through the grass promising more colour. The (almost) evergreen clematis, Clematis cirrhosa var. balearica, is still covered with nodding creamy flowers freckled inside with purple.

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